Shame on Conde Naste
Because of my sheer frustration with what has just happened, I thought I would expose this for all of you to read. I received an email from Conde Naste Traveler this morning offering me the following:
It's time for our first ever online Feedback Survey - where you give us your opinions of Condé Nast Traveler magazine. We want to know what you think about our stories, our photography, our design, our covers, and more...
When you click here, you will be entered into a drawing to win a three-night stay for two at Las Ventanas al Paraiso in Los Cabos, Mexico, Delta first-class round-trip airfare for two, and $2,500 cash in spending money!!
Your answers are truly of great importance to us!
To take the survey, just click here or on the link below.
Klara Glowczewska
Of course I'm going to take a few minutes to fill out a survey if I know that I could win a trip to Cabo... even if I've never won anything in my life. So, I clicked. I filled out. I got excited about three nights at Las Ventanas on someone else's dollar... then I got this message:
Thank you very much for your interest in our survey. Unfortunately you did not qualify for today's survey. Because our research was targeted at individuals that match a particular profile, not everyone who receives an initial e-mail will qualify to take the survey. Please be assured that information is not recorded unless a survey is successfully completed.
Well Klara, this really does not assure me of anything... in fact it REALLY annoys me because if I wasn't going to qualify, you shouldn't have sent me the email telling me that all I had to do was click. And if you felt the need to do that, then you certainly should have put that qualifier right up front in the first page of the survey, rather than making me click on 100 annoying little boxes first. So here is my feedback anyways: I was a subscriber to your magazine but I found it relatively dull and uninformative so I did not renew my subscription when it ran out. The only part I actually enjoyed about the magazine was the Where Are You Now Contest which I can view online anyways.
You're first ever online Feedback Survey will definitely be my last. So there.
I should probably add that the fact that I haven't been sleeping well this week because of allergies has made me a bit grumpy... hope you all have a good weekend.